• Anvil Trust is the centrepoint and legal foundation of a movement whose purpose is to articulate, advocate and advance an understanding and activism based on a Jesus-centred all-inclusive vision of shalom, through Workshop learning, Peacemeal community and Jesus-Shalom podcasts.

    Visit Anvil Trust
  • Jesus-Shalom is the communication sphere of Anvil Trust using the mediums of podcast, blog and live video conversations and discussions. It explores provocative biblical and contemporary issues from shalom perspectives, plus regular interviews with ‘Shalom Activists’ working in diverse roles.

    Visit Jesus-Shalom
  • Workshop is the learning sphere of Anvil Trust.  Creating safe yet brave spaces to explore a spirituality that inspires understanding, formation and activism from a Jesus-centred shalom. Value-focused, inclusive and empowering, it offers resources, courses and live video conversations.

    Visit Workshop
  • Peacemeal is the community-building sphere of Anvil Trust. Inspired by the ‘table-fellowship’ of Jesus every meal can become a portal for nurturing relationship, developing community, spiritual encounter and radical social change. We are a catalyst to reveal and inspire radical table possibilities.

    Visit Peacemeal

Anvil Trust

Shaping shalom spirituality

We are looking for a treasurer Trustee

General Requirements

  • To fully support the vision and values of Anvil Trust
  • Oversee the financial affairs of Anvil Trust and ensure they are legal, constitutional and within accepted accounting practice.
  • Ensure proper records are kept and that effective financial procedures are in place.
  • Monitor and report on the financial health of the organisation.
  • Produce the necessary financial reports/returns, accounts and audits.

Specific Qualities

  • Knowledge and experience of current financial rules and practice for charitable organisations.
  • Knowledge of bookkeeping and financial management.
  • Good financial analysis skills.
  • Ability to communicate clearly

For more information, download the pdf with fuller responsibilities and the contact person for further inquiries.

Be a part of our team as we take the Trust into a new era with our Jesus-shalom, Workshop, and Peacemeal projects.


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